Week of November 1, 2020
 WELCOME    (appx. 6:30pm)  
  • Dinner/Snacks/Refreshments
  • Ice Breaker:  What is your favorite nut? (peanut, pecan, almond, cashew etc.)

  WORSHIP    (appx. 7:10pm)  

  WIN    (appx. 7:25pm)  

  WORD    (appx. 7:45pm)  
  1. Read Galatians 5:1. What did Paul declare to the Galatians? What is the nature of the freedom Christ gives us?  What is the danger of going back to the law? (1b) What does it mean to “stand firm”?  
  2. Read Galatians 5:5-6. How does living by faith make us different from those trying to observe the law? When we have faith, how does the Spirit help us?
  3. Read Galatians 5:7-12. How did Paul help the Galatians discern the intentions and bad influence of the Judaizers? (7-9) What confidence did Paul have about the Galatians and about the troublemaker among them? (10,12) What is “the offense of the cross”? (1Co 1:22-23) Why should it still be our message, even if we are persecuted?
  4. Read Galatians 5:6-15. How might the Galatians have misunderstood their new freedom in Christ? (13) How instead should we use our freedom? (6b,13b) How does this actually fulfill the spirit of the law? (14) What results from trying to observe the law? (15)

  WORKS    (appx. 8:30pm)  
  • IF YOUR GROUP FEELS COMFORTABLE DOING SO - Break into smaller groups of 2 or 3 by gender and pray for one another.