August Activities

August 11, 2024 - Daily Word:  Prosperity

"I live an abundant life."

Are the words prosperity and abundance a lot alike? What do you think is similar or different? Prosperity is the flourishing, thriving, good fortune and successful social status. Prosperity often produces profuse wealth including other factors which can be profusely wealthy in all degrees, such as happiness and health. Abundance means experiencing richness in all aspects of life, from relationships, health, joy, to love and personal fulfillment. It's about recognizing the wealth of opportunities available to us and feeling grateful for what we have, even in areas of our life that might not be related to financial status. Let’s listen to this gratitude and abundance meditation the create our own abundance affirmations. Let’s create prosperity / abundance affirmations! Please come up with some affirmation examples and we will pick a few to write down and draw colorful designs around them to put by our mirror or other place in our room where we can say them every day!.

August 4, 2024 - Daily Word:  Inner Peace

"The peace of God is mine to live and mine to share."

We recently talked about World Peace (Daily Word June 30th ) and we also talked about peace of mind or inner peace. Like our daily word says the peace of God is mine to live and mine to share. If that peace seems to have shifted away from our center the true way to return to our inner peace is to forgive and let go of things that are holding us back from the divine inner peace of God within. Last week we went to Hawaii and learned the Hula and relaxed in thoughts of palm trees, rainbows and the sound of ocean waves. Let ‘s return to the beach with a calming peaceful beach meditation. Please get comfortable and settle in for our Beach Meditation (7 minutes)  Afterwards let’s do some yoga stretches like cat cow, or downward facing dog, warrior 2 child’s pose and ending in shavasana. If there is still time before going to the sanctuary you may have some free time.

July Activities

July 28, 2024 - Daily Word: Alive

"Divine life flows through me"

What things make us feel most alive and joyful? Playing outside? Dancing? Singing? Yoga? Meditation? What about fun vacations? Sometimes our day-to-day activities can seem to have lost that joyful happy feeling of being fully present and ALIVE. How about we travel to Hawaii in our minds? What things would we see there? The beach, sand, ocean waves, surfing, palm trees, fresh fruits, mountains, rainbows and hula dancers. Maybe we can’t just pop over to Hawaii, but we can learn a traditional Hawaiian dance to feel like we are in Hawaii!! Let’s take off our shoes and put on our lei’s and learn the hula!! If you don’t feel like dancing the hula you can draw a picture of a hula dancer by watching the video or draw some things we just mentioned about Hawaii like a surfer and imagine being there!

 Learn how to Hula 12-minute video-

July 21, 2024 - Daily Word: Valuable

"As a divine being, I am valuable and irreplaceable"

Valuable definition 1. having a great value in money; expensive. 2. considered to be of great worth; useful; synonyms = important, good, important, invaluable, prized, profitable, treasured, useful, worthwhile, worthy.

You are VALUABLE! What is the prayer that the congregation blesses you all with when we walk into the service? We Love You! We Bless You and We Appreciate You just the way You are!! Do you FEEL valuable? Do you KNOW your WORTH? Do you think that sometimes we can be our own worst critic? In other words, do we sometimes think we can’t do things as well as others or think we are not as strong, run as fast, play an instrument, do math etc..?? 

Remember that our thoughts are powerful so we must hold the truth in our heart, soul and mind that we are unique, perfect, precious, worthy and valuable just the way we are. We are like beautiful snowflakes each different and bringing our own special gifts to our world. Our uniqueness is what creates the beautiful diverse fabric of our world. How boring life we be if we were all the same!!

Let’s cut out a snowflake then color it with our unique colors glitter and gems.

July 14, 2024 - Daily Word: Divine Order

"During times of uncertainty, I trust divine order"

Have you ever been disappointed when things didn’t go as planned? When things you thought were going to be a certain way turn out differently? It really hurts at the time, right? Did any of those disappointments ever turn out with a better outcome? For example, someone really wanted to go to Fiesta Texas on their birthday, but their parents had already planned a surprise party at Kalahari. It turns out that there was a thunderstorm on the planned birthday celebration and Fiesta Texas had to close all the rides, but Kalahari was in full swing, safe indoors with cake, games and water park rides and the birthday party was even better than your original thought. 

Would anyone like to share a memory when a disappointment turned into a better outcome? 

There is also our divine order one of our 12 powers is “ORDER” We know that before everything, there is thought. Action follows the thought and then there is a result of the action and it all begins again, step by step, in perfect divine order. We are the power that determines how to define our experiences. For fun and to tap into our own power of ORDER let’s choose a life event that you wish had turned out differently and create the ending you desire. You can change your story and your attitude by using your power of divine order.

Rise and shine gratitude meditation

July 7, 2024 - Daily Word: Beautiful

"My open heart discovers beauty all around me."

We just celebrated the 4th of July which is our Independence Day and one our patriotic songs is “O Beautiful”. Have you ever heard the song or sang the song? It speaks to the natural beauty of our country, God’s grace and brother/sisterhood across the land. Let’s listen/sing along to O Beautiful- O beautiful for spacious skies For amber waves of grain For purple mountain majesties Above the fruited plain! America! America! God shed His grace on thee And crown thy good with brotherhood From sea to shining sea With the Olympics a month away we are going to be celebrating our USA Olympiads, right?!? Are we proud of them as they represent our country? Are we proud of our country? If yes then how can you continue to be good positive stewards of our homeland and if no, then how can you do your part to lift our country up? 

How can you be a positive influence on the country that you all will inherit? What things can you do to contribute to our nation, state and community that is fair, free, diverse and based on love for one another? 

Let’s color our own flag that demonstrates what you feel that you can do or we all need to do to keep our country inspired in love peace and togetherness. You can design it anyway you choose so be creative and have fun!

June Activities

 June 30, 2024 Daily Word: World Peace

"Affirming the divinity of all the world’s people, I envision world peace."

Peace definition - freedom from disturbance, tranquility. a state or period in which there is no war or a war has ended. What is the opposite of Peace? Bustling noisy agitated hostile war Can our peace be disturbed within? What can we do to maintain calm and peace within ourselves so we can contribute to world peace. Meditate, don’t react harshly, pray, breathe.

Let’s draw/color symbols of peace and we can focus on that when we are in a situation that might disturb our inner peace.

If we have time we can do a world peace meditation 

June 23, 2024 Daily Word: Generous

 "Affirming the divinity of all the world’s people, I envision world peace."

Gen·er·ous (of a person) showing a readiness to give more of something, as money or time, than is strictly necessary or expected. "She was generous with her money" showing kindness toward others. "It was generous of them to go and help clean her yard" (of a thing) larger or more plentiful than is usual or necessary. "A generous sprinkle of pepper."

Let’s draw an outline of ourselves and fill it with things we possess that we can be generous with. 😊 

Then, if time, let’s play a game from our “Best Games Ever” book,  Clearing Customs – 1st person says as if talking to a custom agent, "I went on vacation and I only brought back a Cat."  The next person repeats the phrase and then adds a thing that starts with the last letter of the 1st persons word.   Person 2, "I went on vacation and I brough back a cat and a tiger etc… Tiger and a rug, and so on. 

May Activities

May 26, 2024:  Daily Word: Comfort

"I am comforted by the embrace of divine love."

This memorial weekend, we celebrate and remember those who have left their earthly journey and returned to their spiritual home. We are sad for ourselves to not have them in our lives anymore, but we can be comforted by turning to the Divine Love always present in our hearts. Ms. Sharon is not here today but she left this message for us. Ms. Sharon wrote a song for her grandmother, when she transitioned, and sang it at her celebration of life. They had made a quilt together when Ms. Sharon was expecting her 1st child. So the lyrics in the song “remembered” that special time. Sharon’s grandmother was very spiritual, with a deep sense of faith and love. So here are the lyrics which included that memory –“ You took the threads of faith and love. Covered me with wisdom, strength from above. You decorated my heart with sweet delight, my darling angel sleep well tonight."

”Let’s write a short poem or draw a picture of a special memory from a loved one, family member, friend or pet that has left their earthly home. By keeping their memory close in our hearts, we are comforted that they are always with us.

May 19, 2024:  Daily Word: I AM

"I am a living expression of God."

Just like the song we sing to open our Unity Sunday group time together, "I am here, I am whole as I am," we affirm that we are divine children of God, Spirit and Love. We are filled with that divine essence -- perfect, grace-filled, free, kind, loving and unique as I Am!  When we celebrate our divine essence and uniqueness, we are aware that our differences are not separating us but that our diversity is uniting us in togetherness and oneness. How boring would life be if you were the same as everyone else! Just like snowflakes are all unique, together they can make a beautiful blanket of snow. To remind you of how loveable and beautiful you are, just being you, let’s relax into an I AM LOVE meditation.

If there is time, let's choose a partner and draw a picture of them showing how beautiful unique and special they are in your eyes. Then share with your partner your picture, explaining the things you admire about them.

May 12, 2024:  Daily Word:  Mothers' Blessing

"I honor and bless the world’s mothers."

It’s Mother’s Day, the date we celebrate all our mothers, grandmothers and mothering spirits in our lives. What are special things that mothers or mothering spirits do in our lives?  Can we list the many ways that mothers are so special?  Let’s show our mothers how much we love them and create a special mothers day card with hearts and flowers decorating the outside and inside of the card! Let’s use a variety of materials like pipe cleaners and colored tissue paper, construction paper, crayons, colors markers and glitter.

May 5, 2024:  Daily Word:  Joy

"I feel joyous as I celebrate life."

Joy - a feeling of great pleasure or happiness that comes from success, good fortune or by the prospect of possessing what one desires, the expression or exhibition of such emotion, a state of happiness, a source or cause of delight. Sometimes we might feel joy only when we get a new toy or go outside and play with friends or eat our favorite dessert. What are some ways or things that make you feel a sense of joy? What happens to your joy when those things are not present, like you lost your toy or can’t go outside because it’s raining? Have you ever heard of the always-present source of Spiritual Joy?  “Spiritual Joy is the settled assurance that God is in control of all the details of my life, the quiet confidence that ultimately everything is going to be alright, with the determined choice to bring God into every situation.” Just like last Sunday when we talked about our choice to maintain inner peace, we also have the choice to have God as our source of joy. Sometimes bad things happen in our world, but we can always turn to the ever constant presence and source of Joy within, which is God Spirit Love in our lives.  

We'll discuss Joy vs Happiness.

April Activities

April 28, 2024:  Daily Word: Inner Peace

"I call upon the infinite peace of God within."

Have you ever felt restless or frustrated and don’t know why? Do you sometimes get upset over things that are outside of your control? Like when a friend says something you don’t like, or you can’t go to a friend’s house because you need to do chores. Can you remember a time that you had that feeling? Would you want to change that feeling or mood of feeling icky or frustrated? We always have the power to find and return to our inner peace. You can take a moment and separate yourself from the situation by taking 3 slow, deep breaths or count to 10 or physically remove yourself and find a quiet place.  It’s hard to switch gears in the middle of it but if we practice meditation regularly we can prepare ourselves for staying calm and peaceful in the midst of a chaotic or stressful situation. We are going to take a moment and get comfortable and listen to a guided peaceful meditation on finding inner peace.  

Inner Peace Guided Meditation:

April 21, 2024:  Daily Word: Appreciation

"I appreciate the good in my life."

Who and what do we appreciate in our lives? How often do we express or show our appreciation for those things and people in our lives? Do we feel good when someone acknowledges something we have done to make others feel better or when someone notices that we helped out with chores or assisted others in some way? It does feel good to be appreciated! Let’s appreciate others and spread that good feeling! We will design and decorate a card that shows how we appreciate our parents, sisters brothers or friends. Let’s draw a picture of what you appreciate and fold it into a card and address it to them.

April 14, 2024:  Daily Word: Healing

"God’s healing power is moving through me."

When we dwell on the hurt, the wound, the frustration or the fear, do we find healing or relief? As the daily word says, if fear and worry get the best of me I call on the healing power of the indwelling Christ. We don’t “dwell" on the pain, we turn to the indwelling source that is always there within! When we focus on the problem, how can we see the solution? When there is pain, it is hard to ignore. I agree it’s not easy! It takes strength, faith and trust. Do you have any challenges that are hanging around, that we could talk through or meditate through, to turn them around? If you can’t think of anything, I can give some situations that you may connect with -- then we can seek a way to heal them.

April 7, 2024:  Daily Word: Divine Order

"I see divine order expressing everywhere."

Is divine order something that you can always see, or is it sometimes in the unseen details of our lives? Are we sometimes unaware of, or take for granted, the divine order present in our lives? What do you think? Now let’s think of examples of both. How is Divine Order expressing in your daily life? Let’s create our own garden of Divine Order. What is in your garden? Activities? School? Art? Music? Travel? Plant your garden with seeds of Divine Order to manifest your dreams and create your divine masterpiece! If there is time, you can separate into teams and play Pictionary using ideas from your garden! For example, Ms. Sharon’s garden has music, flowers, hearts for family and friends, and yummy fruits and vegetables.  It has a comfortable house with pets and sunny beaches.

March Activities

March 31, 2024:  Daily Word:  Arise

"I rise to accept new life and renewal."

Today is Easter Sunday and we say, "Christ is risen! He has risen indeed!" A long time ago people referred to God and Christ as being male. We know now, that is not the truth. The truth is, we all have the Christ within us. Everyone. Sometimes we are separated consciously from the Christ within like we talked about last Sunday. So when we celebrate Easter we renew that faith and proclaim Christ has risen again in US! That’s why we decorate eggs to symbolize a “birth” or “rebirth” of the Christ consciousness/awareness within ourselves. Let’s each color our eggs with bright vivid colors to represent the beauty and aliveness of the risen Christ born again this day in us.

March 24, 2024:  Daily Word:  Palm Sunday

"The Christ within protects and clears my way."

Have you heard of the story of Palm Sunday and wonder why it is called “Palm”Sunday?

Let’s watch this short cartoon about Palm Sunday and then talk about our Unity metaphysical interpretation. To Sin is to be disconnected from God or Spirit. When we are disconnected, we are using our human mind to decide things, and when we ARE connected, we are divinely guided. Jesus was sad because people that were disconnected from Spirit were acting from their selfish human ego-mind. Not wanting any one to receive praise but who they decided should. Palm Sunday is the story of Jesus riding into Jerusalem and the people who had faith and were connected to the divine spirit of God waving palm branches and shouting, "Hosanna in the Highest! Blessed are those who come in the name of the Lord," because Jesus represented God at that time. We can show our faith and connection to God’s love by making our own palm branches and entering the sanctuary singing, "Hosanna, Hosanna, Hosanna in the Highest!  Blessed are those who come in the name of the Lord." That is how we prepare the way for Easter and celebrate God in our lives!

March 17, 2024:  Daily Word: Prayer

"I feel the presence and power of God as I pray."

What does prayer mean to you? We'll give time for kid's answers, then use prompts. Is it a list of things you want from God? Is it a way of communication with God? Is it how you seek comfort or advice? Is it a way to quiet the mind with God? Is it all of the above?  As we prepare for the newness of Easter, hoping to find lots of eggs filled with candy and surprises, let's fill our "heart and soul" Easter eggs with our prayers hopes and inner peace! Let’s write 2-3 prayers for ourselves, others, or the world and then color them brightly to give them extra attention, love and joy!  Eggs provided to write in and color!

March 10:  Our Daily Word reading today is: "Timeless In timeless moments in the Silence, I discover myself anew"

I relax and let go, withdrawing my attention from my surroundings. Breathing deeply and rhythmically, my mind relaxes and my heart opens. I enter my sacred inner sanctuary. Here I have no awareness of time. I hear no words, I think no thoughts, I feel no separation. There is only the richness of silence, the awesome presence of infinite life, love, and wisdom. I am one with this presence. The time and attention I devote to my regular practice of meditation builds deep, abiding peace and clarity in my consciousness. In these timeless moments, I discover I have all I need—enough strength, understanding, love, and time to progress along my path and accomplish all that is mine to do.

Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away.—Revelation 21:1

The kids will do 1 or 2 meditations today depending on how much time we have. 

February Activities

February 18th: There is an old saying that what you resist persists. What does that mean?  When you resist something you put a lot of energy towards the exact thing you are wanting to resist!!  For example, have you ever been sad or mad and maybe even cried or threw a fit when you didn’t want to go somewhere or do something that you were asked to do from a parent or teacher? I know that when I was a child, I would build up big emotions and tears to resist doing something. Well, that is a lot of energy built up and once started it is hard to come back from or calm down right?  What if you accepted the task and completed it cheerfully then had a lot of time and energy to do what you want?  Wouldn’t that be a better way to handle yourself? Wayless stress on your body mind and heart!  Our task today is to create our next 12- Powers banner, which is Order.  If we complete it,  I'll bet we will have time to play a game!

February 11th: What does strength mean? What do you think it means to be strong? Physical strength? What about to be strong in the moment when you may be fearful? Did you know that Strength is one of our 12 powers? Let’s watch a short video about David and Goliath that shows how having the Power of strength through God within can help overcome fear or doubt. Short Video

February 4th: Did you know that the Sun is always shining even when it’s a cloudy day? That is just like JOY is always available even when times are hard or sad things happen. That doesn’t mean we ignore sad things or neglect to acknowledge sad feelings. It means that even when we are sad we can choose to move through or help others move through sad feelings…like the sun bursting through the clouds and return to our divine expression of JOY. Let’s draw a picture or the Sun shining through the clouds after the rain as a reminder of our own sunshine and joy peeking through. The title of our drawing could be My Joy Shines! Or whatever you choose! JOY!!!

February 25th: What does FAITH mean to you? What is another word for faith? An example of faith is a knowingness that you are one with the infinite source of God, Spirit and Love. For example, I have “faith” that when I walk in a dark room and flip a switch that a light will come on. When I press a piano key, I know that I will hear a sound. What other things can you think of that you know will happen and you maybe take for granted? Our faith in God can be the same. We know that we can “turn on” or turn inward our thoughts to God and we are connected like electricity to the infinite source of wisdom, guidance and love. Can we draw a picture of what that faith and connection would look like? Use your power of imagination to draw!

February 18th: There is an old saying that what you resist persists. What does that mean?  When you resist something you put a lot of energy towards the exact thing you are wanting to resist!!  For example, have you ever been sad or mad and maybe even cried or threw a fit when you didn’t want to go somewhere or do something that you were asked to do from a parent or teacher? I know that when I was a child, I would build up big emotions and tears to resist doing something. Well, that is a lot of energy built up and once started it is hard to come back from or calm down right?  What if you accepted the task and completed it cheerfully then had a lot of time and energy to do what you want?  Wouldn’t that be a better way to handle yourself? Wayless stress on your body mind and heart!  Our task today is to create our next 12- Powers banner, which is Order.  If we complete it,  I'll bet we will have time to play a game!

February 11th: What does strength mean? What do you think it means to be strong? Physical strength? What about to be strong in the moment when you may be fearful? Did you know that Strength is one of our 12 powers? Let’s watch a short video about David and Goliath that shows how having the Power of strength through God within can help overcome fear or doubt.

February 4th: Did you know that the Sun is always shining even when it’s a cloudy day? That is just like JOY is always available even when times are hard or sad things happen. That doesn’t mean we ignore sad things or neglect to acknowledge sad feelings. It means that even when we are sad we can choose to move through or help others move through sad feelings…like the sun bursting through the clouds and return to our divine expression of JOY. Let’s draw a picture or the Sun shining through the clouds after the rain as a reminder of our own sunshine and joy peeking through. The title of our drawing could be My Joy Shines! Or whatever you choose! JOY!!!

January Activities

January 7, 2024 The kids will participate in the annual White Stone Ceremony.  They  will learn about the history and meaning of the white stones, then the group will be led in a short meditation and write their intention for the new year on the white stones provided.

December Activities

December 31, 2023:  The kids will participate in the Burning Bowl Ceremony.  They will learn about the tradition of writing down and releasing the things that we want to let go of.  They will be guided in contemplating and writing down their releases, and then join their parents afterwards to toss their papers into the fireplace.

October Activities

October 29, 2023:  On Sunday, October 29, YFM will decorate skull cookies, color skull pictures, and talk about the Dia de los Muertos tradition.  
     On a side note, our talented youth director, Sharon Bourbonnais, was featured last Saturday on KOOP Radio's "The Singer and the Song" hosted by Rush Evans.  If you would like to check it out, click this link.  Also, Ms. Bourbonnais will conduct her first WISD Concert at 6 pm October 24 at Wimberley High School's Lone Star Theatre. All are welcome to come and enjoy Wimberley High School's talented students!

September Activities

September 28, 2023:  We are continuing our study of the 12 powers and the Daily Word. We continue to create our 12 powers banners and color our joy.

We look forward to coloring pumpkins and creating Día de los Muertos cookies in October! We are writing our world peace prayer and will recite it at the labyrinth once a month.

August Activities

August 29, 2023:   Calling All Parents!

Our YFM classes are growing! We strive to provide the best possible Sunday School experience for our children, and we also have a limited staff of teachers and volunteers.

If your kids attend regularly, we may ask you to help out on a busy Sunday! Thank you in advance!  Also, all congregants are encouraged to visit our YFM room and see what great things are happening there. Please let Sharon Bourbonais, our wonderful Youth Director, know what a great job she is doing with our precious children!  To sign up to volunteer in our youth classroom, please let Aida know at

August 15, 2023:  No Mud, No Lotus

Our Unity of Wimberley Y.O.U. will lead the entire Sunday service on August 20. Travers and Truman Vasek will present a slideshow and music about the Legacy Rally they attended in June at the Northwestern University campus in Tahlequah, OK. You don't want to miss this special Sunday!

August 1, 2023:  The Wimberley Y.O.U. will lead the service on August 20. Travers and Truman Vasek will present a slideshow and music about the Legacy Rally they attended in June at the Northwestern University campus in Tahlequah, OK. It was a wonderful experience, and it will lift your heart to hear about it! Dylan Ebs' last Sunday as part of the YFM team is August 13. Thank you, Dylan! Best wishes as you return to your studies at George Washington University. We hope to see you soon!

July Activities

July 18, 2023:  Things are heating up around the YFM classroom and filling with warm, loving souls each Sunday morning. We are growing by leaps and bounds! The YOU and Uni-kiddos are coming and going with camps and vacations. We expect to see even more bright lights in our classroom when school begins. We continue to study the Daily Word and our 12 Powers, with July representing Understanding. The Power of Understanding is different from Wisdom. Charles Fillmore defines Wisdom as “intuitive knowing; spiritual intuition,” and Understanding as “the ability of the mind to apprehend and realize the laws of thought and the relation of ideas to one another.” To put it more simply: Wisdom knows while Understanding knows why.

February Activities

February 12, 2023:  We studied our power of Strength! The daily word for today is Aspire and we will aspire to use our strength and faith to achieve our goals and help others! After our sacred circle time we have the choice to draw, color, or write what we feel are our strengths or to work on 12 powers banners! 

August Activities

August 14th - Each Sunday we begin our sacred circle in song and a time of sharing. Then we move into our heart agreements, affirmations, breathing, prayer, meditation and lesson. The Daily Word has been the springboard for our August lessons and activities. This Sunday, the word was holy and we discovered that we are all "holy" or sacred and have our own sacred power to bless within each of us. We blessed the labyrinth!

August 21st - we explored the positive effects of gratitude! We traveled through the Frowny Forest, the Sad Swamp and Mad Mountain to our Gratitude Garden. We created our own gratitude jar or journal and added gratitude to our Happiness Tree! 

From Sharon:

Sunday, August 7th. I feel very blessed to be here. Evy has done a tremendous job setting me up for success at Unity of Wimberley and with the help of my assistant teachers, Ben, Zach and Rodger (and my granddaughter, Lily), we had a joyous first Sunday!  Our activity centered around the Daily Word "Release". After Sacred Circle time we talked about negative feelings that sometimes get stuck on "repeat." So we wrote them down and folded them into a paper airplane and, after several tries/flights, they landed in the bucket of no return. We followed up with a positive word or thought and wrote that on leaves and hearts and put them on our Happiness Tree. We will definitely do this activity again and I see our Happiness Tree growing tall! Everyone had so much fun while learning that we can replace negative thoughts with positive vibrations!

Sharon holds a Bachelor of Music Education from UT certified in Texas K-12. She was offered a teaching position in Hawaii in 2001 and left Austin for a paradise where she continued to offer her music to churches of all denominations while continuing to teach. Returning to help with her Mom (also a member of Unity) in 2012 she was rehired at Unity Church Austin as music director 2012-2022. 

Miss Alicia's having a baby!

We can't wait to welcome baby Amelia this September! We all got to join Rev Jill in a special blessing for Alicia & Jarrod as they prepare for the big day. Congratulations!

Meet "Beardy"! He is Miss Evy & Henry's new Bearded Dragon!

Hi, Friends!

Did you know that a butterfly can travel for hundreds of miles just to meet all their friends in Mexico? Check out this amazing video!

Miss Courtney Asks US to Use Our Imagination to Manifest Change In Our World...Come On, Gang, Let's DO IT!

Sing along with Jack Johnson as he sings our favorite Sunday school song "With My Own Two Hands"


Miss Courtney

Teaches about Geckos!

Let's watch as Miss Courtney teaches us all about Geckos! Did you know that a Gecko's  tail will grow back if they lose it? Did you know that a Gecko can lick their eyeball with their tongue? Find out lots more in this fun video.

"Be the Change" Project

Evy Wilkinson, YFM Director

Our Uni-Kids have been collecting their tithe change during their Sunday School Classes. Watch here as Evy lets us all know how they decided to share the gift!

Thank you Evy, for teaching our children the Unity value of Spiritual Abundance!

Miss Courtney's

Critter Scavenger Hunt

Listen to this funny story called "If You Give a Pig a Pancake" by Laura Numeroff and stick around to see some Springtime friends that might be in YOUR backyard!

Miss Alicia 

shares about Easter Symbols

Let's hear about the different things we see at Easter time. Where did colored eggs come from and what do they mean? Lillies represent the purity of thought that remind of us our Christ nature.