Youth on The Rise Sponsorships


Youth on The Rise is a Youth Ministry ran solely on fundraising, donations, our penny march, and our sponsors. Since January 2021 God has supplied every need this ministry has had. He has showed off at times, leaving us to scratch our heads and ask "how did we do that?" WE did not, HE did!! 

In the image above is a link that will direct you to our giving options. In this Ministry, God seems to take every dollar and multiply it! Every amount, big or small, goes directly into this ministry or community outreach.

Thank you for your contribution to this ministry! May God bless your business.

Click on the image above and see what they have to offer.

Toyota became a Youth on The Rise Sponsor thru our 5K for Christ. Joshua Weber presented the cause and they said yes!

Click on the image above to see what all Toyota Manufacturing Plant of Columbus has to offer. 

Summit Cleaners

If you need any type of dry cleaning services, Summit is who we recommend! Super people to work with. 

Click on the image above to check out all their services.